Frequently asked questions.
Can I upload your videos on my YouTube channel?
No, you cannot. If you wish to use our videos, please contact info@fuseschool.com for more details.
Can I use your videos for my school project?
Yes, you can. But! Make sure you use the embedded YouTube link of our video or stream it directly from YouTube. You must also credit FuseSchool (e.g. “courtesy of FuseSchool”).
Can I upload your videos on my website?
No, you cannot. However, you can use the embedded YouTube link of our video, and you must credit FuseSchool (e.g. “courtesy of FuseSchool”).
Can I translate your videos into another language or dub them?
You can only translate FuseSchool videos and dub them if you are our partner. For more information on how to become our partner email info@fuseschool.com Alternatively, you can submit subtitles for our video directly on YouTube, and we will review them before publishing.
Can I modify your videos?
No, you cannot. If you wish to modify our videos, please contact info@fuseschool.com for more details.